Monday, October 09, 2006

History Not Welcomed

A common thread in my posts on this blog is how stories are frequently stripped of historical context and references -- especially if such history doesn't fit with current US government foreign policy. Coverage of North Korea nearly always fits this profile. Today marks an omnious turning point in dangers of nuclear proliferation--North Korea's likely test of a nuclear weapon. NPR had several pieces on this story today: the response of regional countries, the UN reaction, and an interview with the US Ambassador and head of the delegation on six-party talks on North Korea.
What emerges is half a story, all focusing on the wrongness of North Korea's actions--fair enough for half a story. The half that never even comes up is the Korean War history that helps explain and justify the North's paranoia, the reckless disdain for diplomacy of the Bush administration since coming to office, and the obvious double-standards and hypocrisy of a US policy that shielded Israel's nuclear weapons program, accepted the India/Pakistan programs, and sought to develop new nuclear weapons such as "bunker busters."

1 comment:

Peter Beil said...


NPR is more dangerous than Fox News. The latter caters to a small, loyal segment of the media consumer pie with nearly no one pretending that it is "fair and balanced" in any way.

NPR, on the other hand, leverages it's historic credibility while cooing moderates and many liberals to sleep with the idea that it is somehow above the partisanship of most other media outlets.

I have seen how much NPR has changed over the years, as it has continued to lose funding from the public sector while trying to fill the balance in the private. I am primarily a Pacifica listener, but will listen to NPR just to know what they are currently talking about.....

...and most of my liberal friends think NPR is far to the left. Hmmm.... I shall read more of your blog as time permits here at work.

Great job!!!!