Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the "report" was the omission of one key player in the four decades long Colombia tragedy--THE UNITED STATES! To discuss the torture and death squad paramilitaries without mentioning the kindess shown them by the US does show an abundance of chutzpah. But since NPR won't dig up these ugly tidbits I'll do it for them: take a look at the history of the paramilitaries from ZNet, the benevolent attitude of the US noticed by CNN in 2000, and the continuing help shown the paramilitaries in the "Drug War" in 2001. Finally for some of the latest human rights news on Colombia take a look at Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International's excellent report.
Bah! When NPR comes on with a story on Latin America I head for the kitchen to make some tea: from Scott Simon to Tom Jelten (sp?), it's always the same condescending BS--no history, no context. Just scary "revolutionaries", voiceless peasants, drug lords and well-intentioned IMF officials. If all you knew about Latin America came from listening to NPR...well, I can't think of a clever way to end that sentence!
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