There was a certain gruesome irony to the story in which NPR reported on the terror tactics of official US enemies, the "bad guys" as the report calls them. As is typical, what NPR doesn't report are the terrror tactics of the "good guys": US radiocative (depleted Uranium) bombs and their effects, US-sponsored car bombs, kidnappers and assassins trained by the US, and journalists bombed and murdered by US forces.
Maybe I'm rushing to judgement, and this morning's report was only part one of the story, and soon NPR will air part two and cover these missing elements--or maybe not.
Darned "terrorists"...why can't they drop clusterbombs or napalm on civilian populations, or shoot tank rockets into buildings full of families, or something like that...?
on reporters, no less?
Part Two of this series will air on ME right after the story that Karl Rove is out of touch with what America wants. That is, never.
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