Monday, April 09, 2007


Juan Williams just can't let the Bush-version of the Pelosi trip to Syria go. He's back on to parrot the charges of Bush, Cheney, and the Washington Post. Here's his "analysis" with the sharp Steve Inskeep: "Nancy Pelosi was off to the Middle East, specifically to Syria, and she went there to talk to Bahar al Assad, the leader of Syria, but didn’t get too good a reaction—the Washington Post said it was a foolish trip…Bush said it was unfortunate…Cheney said it was bad behavior..."

Instead of following the obvious story which is why did Olmert lie about what he told Pelosi, Williams and Inskeep - like the rest of the pack - just pick up the Bush-Post line and run with it. Ruff!


Anonymous said...

Wan is always awful.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work with your site!

Anonymous said...

Extra doggie biscuits to Wan and Steve! Woof!

Porter Melmoth said...

Instead of Fox-ified and watery Juan, what we need is Richard Pryor, who could spot BS 10 miles away. I can never forgive JW for being so willingly seduced that time by Richard X. Cheney, in their insipid and worthless interview..