Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Open Thread

NPR related comments welcomed.


Anonymous said...

Having just heard Norman Poderetz on Brian Lehrer, I am breathless. Breathless at the craziness of this man. And that Lehrer interviews him as if he is a normal person. On the one hand, it's good for people to hear his craziness. On the other, would Lehrer give a platform to a Holocaust-denier, to a David Duke, to an "Islamofascist"?
At least this interview should ensure that only really, really, right, right-wing loonies would vote for Guiliani, for whom Poderetz is senior foreign policy affair.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to add- besides wanting to bomb, bomb Iran, P. believes that the NIE report is a plot by the CIA against the White House.

mercy mercy me

Anonymous said...

I just read thru all the comments to the show. (Mine is #112). Kinda encouraging. At least most of the posters think P. is a wingnutjob.
And a surprising few are a lot more enlightened about Israel than Mr.(I love Israel) Lehrer.


Anonymous said...

I can never decide who is more wonderful and deliciously witty...
Mo Rocca, or the Capital Steps?

Anonymous said...

That's nice, Ellen, that your particular program provides a comments section - wish the 'object of our affections' did as well, then we here could stink-bomb 'em with all our protestations instead of carping on about them out of range. But I understand, they're very sensitive about being told they're all wet most of the time.