Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Open Thread

NPR related comments welcomed.


Anonymous said...

another Chavez story this morning on NPR. Why even pay Juan Forero? You could just have the announcer say, twice a week: Defiant, buffoonish anti-American pro-Iranian pro-Columbian-terrorist-group-the-FARC Venezuelan dictator Chavez threatened America yesterday while destroying his own country.

dlgreen said...

From the AngryArab blog:

Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch. This organization is accumulating a record on human rights as rosy as that of George W. Bush. This NPR report on Tom Lantos is just indicative of the standards that the organization employs in order to keep the millions flowing to its funds. Sophie Richardson was almost in tears talking about Lantos: she called Lantos articulate, when every other word he used "disgusting" or "despicable". To Mr. Richardson, this is the height of eloquence. Not a word in the "disgusting" and "despicable" report. This is a man who thought that George W. Bush is a decade late in invading Iraq; a man who has never ONCE condemned Israeli killing of civilians in Lebanon or Palestine. Sure, he rails against the Sudan government: which is supposed to be the height of courage in Washington, DC. Notice that when pro-US puppet, Ja`far Numayri (after switching from pro-Soviet socialism to pro-US Islamic fundamentalist fanaticism), ruled Sudan his atrocities were not only ignored, but praised. Let me guess: Sophie Richardson also thinks that Iraqi civilians killed by US troops in Iraq deserve to die, in the service of the cause of human rights that HRW and Tom Lantos share. And notice that NPR invites Elie Wiesel to comment on Lantos: this is like asking Sharon to evaluate Shamir.

Anonymous said...

They probably don't have to pay too much for the cheap suit Forero. I suspect the CIA pays most of his bills.

Anonymous said...

big!pink!fuzzy!bunny! said...

Anybody catch Missy-poo's even more forced cutesy* talk (if you can fathom!) the other day, on the topic of "the smokey!backroom!"? After about the fourth or fifth time of her saying it over-and-over, my tolerance could withstand it no longer. A swift jab (with a stiffened middle finger, no less!) on the preset button & ahhh, peace...

*to clarify, I declare its contrast to the term "cute" which is a more naturally occuring characteristic, "cutesy" being forced and false slathering.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, b!p!f!b!, setting you up for the proper level of disgust should Clinton prevail.