Sunday, September 30, 2007


On Thursday afternoon Siegel muffs a great opportunity to hold Columbia University's President Bollinger to a single standard.

Would he be as rude to an actual mass murderer and war criminal as he was to a Holocaust denier. Or is that censorship?

Would he be as blunt and confrontational to our own lying, petty, pro-torture, war criminal President or do our own get a free ride? (A reader of this blog sent this great mirror image of Bollinger's performance.)

It is interesting to compare Bollinger's downright schmoozy treatment of Pakistani dictator as compared to his treatment of Ahmadinejad. I also noted no public condemnation of the scary Turkmenistan dictatorship during it's leader's visit [video link] to Columbia.

1 comment:

Porter Melmoth said...

Bollinger has shown that he is the same kind of megalomaniac that he attempts to either coddle (the Pervster) or roast (A'jad). Dean Martin he ain't, but that Captain Kangaroo hairstyle is almost as attention-getting as his whacked-out vanity show of 'telling off' his Iranian guest. Bollinger is a perfect example of the neocon dream of dumbing-down academia and replacing it with ambitious corporate/power-mad CEO types, who can pose as liberally artistic, free speechifying democratizers. Instead of applying wisdom and insight to the occasion by letting Ahmadinejad state his case, Bollinger botched the whole thing by turning it into a crude strut of egotistical self-righteousness which ended up sounding like a Soviet show trial. What an amateur-hour bozo. No, what an ASSHOLE! His haughtiness reminds me of probable buddy and fellow failure, Paul Wolfowitz.