Sunday, September 06, 2009

Referral To the Dean's Office

On this blog, several readers have recommended links to various critiques of NPR written by Dean Baker. I have a link to Baker's "Beat the Press" in the sidebar, but I'm happy to refer people again to his work. He does a great job of nailing the shenanigans of NPR news, and occasionally giving credit where credit is due. Here are some recent pointed articles:


Anonymous said...

If the Planet Monkey's were smart (which they ain't) they would read (and actually heed) what Baker has to say.

..and if Obama were smart, he would do so as well.

Alas, they (and he) are not.

And we (the American public) are paying dearly for their ignorance of economics.

On the latter, these people are about as dumb as they come.

The only ones dumber are the ones who support their idiotic "recovery" plan.

Anonymous said...

Dean baker is one of just a handful of people who are asking the questions that need to be asked.

Another is Robert Reich, who asks

"Why aren't we hearing more about the worst job and wage situation since the Great Depression?
So why isn't the media screaming?"

Reich answers his own question: "Partly because these job and wage losses are not, for the most part, falling on the segment of our population most visible to the media. They're falling overwhelmingly on the middle class and the poor."
//end Reich quote

NPR does not give a hoot about the unemployed because
1) the people who run NPR (eg, Vivian Schiller) are spoiled Ivy league brats who have had everything in life handed to them on a silver platter and never have to deal with day to day financial issues like the vast majority of us

2) they are catering largely to corporate clients who are run by spoiled brats and have had everything in life handed to them on a silver platter and never have to deal with day to day financial issues like the vast majority of us.

Anonymous said...

Another person who has been asking the right questions is Amy Goodman

Good Billions After Bad”–One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went

Poverty Rate Hits 11-Year High; Number of Uninsured Grows for 8th Consecutive Year

The reason the Planet Monkeys give the "Things are improving, steady as she goes..." slant is not ONLY because they have no clue about economics (Kestenbaum is a "failed" physicist and Davidson is just a nitwit), but also because they are simply dishonest.

It does not take an economist to see that much of what has been done by Summers, Geithner and Obama over the past year (hundreds of billions to bankers with no accounting whatsoever for how the money was spent) simply has no economic justification whosover (unless you include billions of bonuses to bankers in that justification).

The Planet Monkeys are basically willing accomplices in this whole dishonest charade.