On Sunday's weekend edition Dan Schorr stated that "what made my eyes widen was...laser-guided, anti-tank missiles—laser guided!" supplied "presumably by the Hezbollah brethren in Iran." From this surprise Schorr concludes "so insurgents can now inflict a greater toll on up to date military forces; that may help to explain why America and its allies have run into such serious trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan, and why Bush finds himself having to send more troops to the mean streets in Baghdad..." This passes for informed analysis. Nothing about the extreme human rights abuses, the cultural insensitivity, the extreme overkill violence of the US military; nothing about the illegal invasion of Iraq, the "shock and awe" arrogance, the bungling stupidity of Bush, Bremer, Rumsfeld, etc. No, according to Schorr it's sophisticated weaponry (and probably from Iran!)
I didn't comment on that piece since I figured that since Schorr is the "senior" news analyst, NPR is obliged to give him occasional airtime--regardless of how delusional his commentary may be, but then he was back on today with more. Following the massacre at Qana yesterday, one might think Schorr would reconsider Israel's mission in Lebanon, but instead he's back to claiming it is the Iranian-supplied weapons that are so troublinh in the conflict and that "Israel, trying strenuously to eliminate hard to find well-dug-in Hezbollah launching sites was drawn in to risky bombings that killed civilians including women and children and spread sympathy and support…" Yes, poor Israel, just got pulled in to killing those 57 hiding civilians (and the other 500+ , and the ambulances, and the bridges, and the UN outposts, and the apartment buildings, and....)
Monday, July 31, 2006

Gonyea states: "The Bush administration's approach to the situtation in Lebanon, it is very different from where it was just last week, isn't it?"
Roberts responds: "she [Rice] seemed to be taking her time to let Israel have a chance to disable Hezbollah, but since then she's been there twice and not able to achieve any kind of real cease fire or any kind of what the administration keeps talking about, sustainable peace....she [Rice] will work with the United Nations for a security council resolution; this is different from that go-it-alone attitude that the United States seemed to be taking at beginning of this conflict...."
- Consider the question from Gonyea--different in what way, shape, or form? The US is still opposing any stop to the agression from Israel. Then with Roberts' response; that she can call the wholesale destruction of infrastructure, villages, and civilians "a chance to disable Hezbollah" is appalling. And then to assert that after providing weeks of stalling that Israel needed for its assault, the approach of Rice seeking a US/Israeli supported UN resolution as being a different is absurd.
On the topic of Iraq Gonyea and Roberts are unbelievable. After Gonyea mentions "significant changes in Iraq" relating to increased US troops there (esp. in Baghdad), Roberts responds, "that becomes a big problem for the President because it makes his goal of a new Middle East, a broader Middle East of peace and democracy seem more elusive "
- New Middle East? Broader Middle East of peace and democracy? This is material that a Bush speech writer would envy. It represents an absolute acceptance of the claims that the Bush administration (and most memberts of Congress) have put forth to hide the US military grab for resources and power in the Middle East. That a supposedly informed and objective NPR employee can make such biased assertions with no sense of irony is really upseting.
- One could write a disseration on the twisted logic of this one. In Roberts logic, Lieberman's support for illegal wiretaps, illegal detention, suspension of habeus corpus, and illegal wars of invasion represents "a move to the middle"! The middle--God help us.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
What an Effort
Craig Windham in the news summary during ATC today stated that the Israeli air strike that killed over 50 civilians in Lebanon "marred" Sec. of State Rice's "weeklong effort" at ending the fighting in Lebanon. What effort? Rice has clearly been working closely with the Israeli government to facilitate their airwar against Lebanon.
Debbie Elliot insists on calling the regimes of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan moderate. She was interviewing Debra Amos who deserves credit for describing Arab governments in the discussion as regimes that support US policy or oppose it. Is that so hard to do?
Which Reality Is It?

NPR does go on to present Ivan Watson (who continues to do admirable work) reporting on the scene in Qana. The strangest interchange occurs after Watson has stated that a UN observer in Qana told him that there were no Hezbollah fighters in the village and that he had no idea why Israel would have bombed the building. To this Liane Hansen responds, "Is there any sign of humanitarian aid getting in more rescue operations, the roads are bad and the Israeli Prime Minister has said he’s going to try to get some humanitarian aid in there; can you see any signs of any more people coming in to help?" I had to listen to this several times to be sure I had heard it correctly!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Only a Nut Would Do That!

One Step Back
After two strong pieces (see previous post) on Saturday Weekend Edition, Scott Simon and Juan Williams were back to explaining away the horrors of US and Israeli policy in the Middle East. Scott began the analysis by stating the number of Lebanese displaced at 40,000--although this may have been a genuine reading error since later Juan Williams quoted the figure of 800,000 displaced! I found the most depressing part came when Scott Simon asked if the "air campaign" by Israel could in fact weaken Hezbollah, and Juan Williams answered, "but when you’re talking about where missles are stored, when you’re talking about where Hezbollah has more armaments and headquarters, it’s just so hard because it’s hidden among civilian populations which is exactly why Israel says that it has had no choice but to engage in such a massive bombing campaign that has devastated much of southern Lebanon." (As if Israel has no peaceful options.)
Reality on Iraq and Iran!

In another segment Simon interviewed Ali Ansari, a professor at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland, about Iran and its role vis-a-vis Hezbollah in Lebanon. He is the author of a book called Confronting Iran, which is perhaps why he was on (I'm not sure.) He was also fairly measured and insisted that the level of Iranian influence over Hezbollah is uncertain. He also made it clear that the confrontational approach to Iran (and Syria) only worsens the situations in Lebanon and Iraq. Wow!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Coup de Grace
In my post yesterday (Limited Debate), I remarked on how constrained the debate is regarding US/Policy. Today demonstrates the power of that constraint: yesterday's interview was the "dissenting" opinion on US policy in the Middle East and today's is an unrestrained endorsement of the policy. Notice that this false "two-sides" construct eliminates any serious, intellectual critique of US policy past/present in Middle East. Essentially the debate is reduced to the question of how should the US play the role of imperial power in the region--never questioning whether being imperial is legally or ethically right and humane.
Today's guest, Robert Satloff is the executive director of neocon thinktank Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He, of course, spins out the Bush administration argument for destroying Lebanon in order to save it. Here are a few "highlights" of this interview:
Renee Montagne asks, "When these strikes against Hezbollah targets have accomplished their objective..." (Is she referring to the ambulances, relief supplies, high rise apartment buildings, power plants, fuel depots, etc.?)
Later Montagne states, "The project of the Bush administration is bringing democracy to the Middle East…." (I swear I'm not making this up!)
Satloff states, "in the end we can reconstruct a new political framework in Lebanon which is to the service of the Lebanese people." Again and again he says "we allowed" "we set up" "we advanced" "we should not have" in reference to the events in Iraq, Lebanon, and the Occupied Territories--and Renee Montagne never once questions who the "we" is and whether "we" have any right to be doing these things.
Today's guest, Robert Satloff is the executive director of neocon thinktank Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He, of course, spins out the Bush administration argument for destroying Lebanon in order to save it. Here are a few "highlights" of this interview:
Renee Montagne asks, "When these strikes against Hezbollah targets have accomplished their objective..." (Is she referring to the ambulances, relief supplies, high rise apartment buildings, power plants, fuel depots, etc.?)
Later Montagne states, "The project of the Bush administration is bringing democracy to the Middle East…." (I swear I'm not making this up!)
Satloff states, "in the end we can reconstruct a new political framework in Lebanon which is to the service of the Lebanese people." Again and again he says "we allowed" "we set up" "we advanced" "we should not have" in reference to the events in Iraq, Lebanon, and the Occupied Territories--and Renee Montagne never once questions who the "we" is and whether "we" have any right to be doing these things.
Just Sort of Anti-American and Pretty Anti-Israel
That's the expert opinion from British Economist reporter, John Prideaux, this morning on NPR. He really did describe those who are angry and upset that the US and Israel are wreaking wholesale destruction and death on a defenseless nation as "just sort of anti-American and pretty anti-Israel." That Don Gonyea doesn't even challenge this simple-minded and pro-US/Israel analysis tells you something about where his bias lies.
Lebanon Shooting Gallery

Thursday, July 27, 2006
Limited Debate

Malley also argues that there should be an immediate cease fire, followed by addressing the root causes which he sees as "related to the fact that there are unresolved issues between Israel and Lebanon" and "of course...to the broader picture in the Middle East because Hezbollah is not simply a Lebanese instrument it’s also an actor that fits into Syrian and Iranian objectives - and it’s also an expression of the unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict." Notice how he never says the O-word or the I-word (occupation [Iraq, West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights, etc.] or invasion [Lebanon, Iraq, etc.] ). Instead these are just vague, "unresolved" issues and conflicts.
Definitely Not Impartial
Yesterday on All Things Considered Michele Norris interviewed Linda Gradstein regarding the Israeli strike on a UN observation post that killed 4 UN observers. The story has been making headlines mainly because there is significant evidence that the strike was intentional (hours of artillery shelling, phone calls to Israeli commanders, assurances of safety, and the final, lethal attack being done with a laser guided bomb.) There were two pointed moments in this interview. In the first Michele Norris asks Linda Gradstein what the Israeli military is saying about the attack, and Gradstein answers, "Well, they won’t give details; they say that the issue is still under investigation and they don’t know exactly how the mistake happened, however they completely reject any allegations that Israel deliberately targeted a UN base...." Notice how this subtle this sleight of hand is: Gradstein is not directly quoting a military source, she's summing it up. That she calls it "the mistake" is unacceptable reporting since that is the position of the IDF, not objective fact supported by evidence. Another stunner is later in the interview when Gradstein is describing the UN observers and their mission and says "at the same time Israeli officials have said to me that the United Nations troops were not necessarily impartial and that they were prejudiced against Israel" (the implication, of course, is that they deserved targeting them--even though it was a mistake!)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Anti-US Alliance?

Living Dangerously

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
It's Hard Being Imperial

Rocket Lobbers
I had to hear Debra Amos reporting on Rice's plans for Lebanon and Syria's role in the conflict describe Hezbollah as "the Lebanese group lobbing rockets into Israel." Ok? I was then waiting for a little balance, maybe a description of Rice as the representative of the government that "fixes intelligence" and "invades" countries or "kidnaps people and tortures them." Or I thought she might describe Israel as the nation that "shoots missles at civilians" or "bombs hi-rise apartments into rubble" or "destroys powerplants." As you can guess I waited and waited...
Same Rice Different Day
NPR's coverage of Rice's work as Secretary of State for US/Israel continues to lack any balance or objectivity. If all you knew was what Don Gagne, Renee Montagne and Mike Schuster present you would hear that Rice is on a "diplomatic mission" to "bring an end to the fighting" in Lebanon. However, if you have a little background information and "listen" between the lines you can figure out that Rice is on an Israel/US war mission. She's delaying any diplomacy so that Israel can continue pounding Lebanon, she's offering a 20 mile buffer zone for Israel in Lebanon (remember the 18 years of torture/murder/occupation that Israel already inflicted there), and she's demanding Hezbollah's disarmament. If NPR insists on calling it "diplomacy" then they should at least be accurate and say "her pro-Israel diplomatic mission" in which she seeks the destruction of Hezbollah at ANY cost before she'll push for an end to massive bombings and killings. To call her plan a "peace" plan is truly Orwellian.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Occasionally I have to give credit to NPR: Ivan Watson is doing very humane work covering the civilian costs of the Israeli assault on Lebanon and NPR is giving him air time on their broadcasts.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Crossfire, Money, Law
NPR covers the continuing conflict in Lebanon. Jackie Northam reporting from Beirut is asked about Israeli targets. She answers, "Well Israel says it is not deliberately targeting civilians, although many civilians are getting caught in the crossfire and dying. There was a minivan today that was hit; it was carrying sixteen people and three of those people died." Then later in the report Northam mentions the visit to Lebanon by Jan Egeland, UN emergency relief coordinator. She informs us that he stated it will cost about $100 million to provide relief in the next few months and billions of dollars to rebuild Lebanon.
There are two significant problems with this report. First crossfire implies civilians getting accidently caught between two warring factions, but even her report on the minivan bombing contradicts the use of the term crossfire. There seems to be nothing accidental about the civilian deaths unleashed on Lebanon by the Israelis, just as there is nothing accidental about the criminal Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel's cities. Second she fails to mention really newsworthy aspect of Egeland's visit: he denounced Israel's assault on Lebanon's infrastructure and declared that it violated international humanitarian law. Other media outlets saw this as worthy of highlighting (see Al-Jazeera or The Guardian).
The overall effect of this report is to downplay the culpability of Israel's military assault on Lebanon (and of course the US culpability in supporting and supplying the campaign.)
There are two significant problems with this report. First crossfire implies civilians getting accidently caught between two warring factions, but even her report on the minivan bombing contradicts the use of the term crossfire. There seems to be nothing accidental about the civilian deaths unleashed on Lebanon by the Israelis, just as there is nothing accidental about the criminal Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel's cities. Second she fails to mention really newsworthy aspect of Egeland's visit: he denounced Israel's assault on Lebanon's infrastructure and declared that it violated international humanitarian law. Other media outlets saw this as worthy of highlighting (see Al-Jazeera or The Guardian).
The overall effect of this report is to downplay the culpability of Israel's military assault on Lebanon (and of course the US culpability in supporting and supplying the campaign.)
Kelemen Disinformation Continues

Silencing Ivan
Ivan Watson has been doing humane and gritty reporting on the ground in Lebanon. His reports often present details of the death and devastation that Israel is inflicting on Lebanon. This morning on Sunday's Weekend Edition it was striking when Watson was being interviewed by Don Gagne. Watson reported about three automobiles of refugees targeted by Israel. One of the cars was 30 feet from the hospital where Watson was reporting. Some obvious questions that Gagne might have asked would be whether the attacks were intentional, why is Israel warning civilians to flee and then bombing people who do flee, etc. Instead Gagne quickly moved on to asking about Hezbollah fighters, asking Watson if he had seen any fighters, etc. No emotional response, no follow-up, no questioning the legality of the attacks or the US backing for the attacks.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
That Elusive Victory

American Enterprise Institute
Friday, July 21, 2006
Making War is Not Diplomacy
NPR continues to be a forum for Ricespeak as it covers Sec. of State Rice's upcoming trip to the Middle East. Even though the Bush/Rice policy has been to defend and provide cover and support for nearly two weeks of Israeli assaults on civilians and civilians infrastructure in Lebanon, Melissa Block says, "Rice will leave on Sunday to try to find a diplomatic solution to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah." No, Rice will leave to try and prop up the Bush policy of military dominance and intervention in the region--this is not a diplomatic solution. Then Michelle Kelemen provides further explanation of Rice's view of the situation with excepts of Rice saying that we are witnessing "the birth pangs of a new Middle East!" Kelemen states, "The Bush administration is counting on moderate Arab states to play key roles in the diplomacy, especially in putting pressure on Syria
" Again NPR is adopting US government distortions: Is Saudi Arabia moderate? Is Egypt's dictatorship moderate?
Diplomatic Effort?

War Crimes Makes the News!
Today NPR interviewed Louise Arbour, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, about war crimes in the current Israeli assault on Lebanon and Hezbollah's targeting of Israeli cities. She was GREAT! In spite of John Ydstie bringing up all the Israeli government's arguments defending it's actions, she was clear and precise about the nature of the laws covering both war crimes and crimes against humanity. When asked if it's fair to compare Israel's actions to Hezbollah's she stated, "I never see much moral difference between one murder and another." Then when asked about Israel's moral right to self-defense, she answered, "....you can have a very just cause; you could be acting in self-defense. All this has nothing to do with whether or not you are allowed to target civilian populations." I'll give NPR credit for seeking out Ms. Arbour and running this interview.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
What War Crimes?

Consider the Source
Consider the following: "Given the organization's record of bloodshed and hostility, the question is not whether Hezbollah should be stopped; it is how" or "The upshot is that although Washington should indeed confront Hezbollah, it should do so indirectly."
These are from Daniel Byman's 2003 article in Foreign Affairs. And Byman is the "expert" that NPR talks to about Hezbollah in the current crisis. All we learn about Byman is that he is the director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies which sounds fine. However, the center is closly alligned with the US government and guess what other institute Byman is part of...the Brookings Institute (a strong backer of US foreign policy).
These are from Daniel Byman's 2003 article in Foreign Affairs. And Byman is the "expert" that NPR talks to about Hezbollah in the current crisis. All we learn about Byman is that he is the director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies which sounds fine. However, the center is closly alligned with the US government and guess what other institute Byman is part of...the Brookings Institute (a strong backer of US foreign policy).
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Torture: Like Deja Vu...in Reverse

Echo Chamber Lebanon

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Heart and Brain
If you are fed up with the misinformation from NPR and the MSM in general please take a read of the late Tikkun--especially this piece. They prove that people of all beliefs can have intelligence, conscience and plain old humanity!
It's a Stronghold

Monday, July 17, 2006
Israel Army Peaceful According to Schorr
Dan Schorr gave one of the most dishonest commentaries I've ever heard aired on NPR. He blames the current Middle East crisis squarely on Iran. He repeats the mistranslation about Iran's president threatening to "wipe Israel off the map," and declares that in "peaceful moves" Israel left southern Lebanon and Gaza. Just for the record Israel left southern Lebanon under constant attack from a successful Hezbollah-led resistance to Israel's brutal and illegal invasion of Lebanon in the 1980s. In Gaza, Israel withdrew, but maintained a full seige-like control of Gaza--maintaining, in effect, a prison for the inhabitants of Gaza. I wonder if NPR will offer equal time to someone like journalist Robert Fisk or As'ad AbuKhalil, a Lebanese professor of political science at California State University and author of the Angry Arab blog.
Idiot Wind Follow Up

Idiot Wind
I listened to an hour of NPR Morning Edition this morning of the US backed-Israeli war against civililians in the Middle East and was struck by how void of intelligent content the reports are. That is the best one can say for their coverage. There is nothing on the criminal, unjustifiable assault by the US backed-Israeli military on civilian cities, roads, bridges, airports, etc. except a few weak echoes of Israel's claim to be trying to attack Hezbollah and free its soldiers. Please contact NPR and DEMAND coverage of the international laws that are being violated, reports of exactly what is being hit with civilian casualties, numbers of missles fired and bombing sorties, interviews with citizens/professors/activists/journalists who are citizens of Lebanon and the Occupied Territories. For yourself, I'd recommend listening to Democracy Now, reading Juan Cole, looking at Electronic Intifada and its coverage of Lebanon, Haaretz, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, etc. Sigh...heartbreaking frankly....
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Please Post
I'll be out of computer land for about a week. If you hear any really strikingly bad NPR reports please mention the show (and date and time) in the comments section.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Cuba Libre?

More Pentagon Reporting

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Nightmare Begins Responsibility
Apologies to Michael Harper for the title. Tonight NPR's Jamie Tarabay reports on the unfolding horrors of sectarian violence in Iraq. This is good, but now reporters need to raise the realities of Iraq with the fanstasies and lies of the Bushists. They could also remind listeners of the vicious "Salvador" option that the US implemented (see my earlier post). They also might want to interview people like Juan Cole or Robert Fisk who have been warning for YEARS about how US policy in Iraq has been driving the country to the brink of sectarian disaster. Otherwise the story of the horrors will play into the cynical Republican designs of blaming the disaster on the Iraqis instead of on themselves and those (such as the many Democrats) who voted for this war and continue to vote for its funding.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Mexico (Ohio - Florida)

A pretty good report by Adam Hochberg on the Smithfield Foods Pork processing plant in Tar Heel, N.C. The report mentions that the courts and the National Labor Relations Board did find that Smithfield used unfair practices during the unionizing efforts by the United Food and Commercial Workers union in 1992 and 1997. However the article downplays the problems at the plant and the grievous nature of the offenses committed by he company. The piece on NPR also doesn't put the actions at Smithfield in the larger context of the awful conditions in the meat industry--so bad they have drawn the attention of Human Rights Watch as in this report. Given that even the worker that the company put forth to praise her job at Smithfield had to concede that injuries are a fact of life at the plant, I wanted to know what medical benefits and compensation are available to injured workers. For readers wanting to learn more about the Smithfield case take a look at a few of these links: the Washington Post, and the UCFW.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Valiant Shield
NPR produced a piece on the build-up of US military might in the Pacific that might as well have come from the Pentagon. The piece--highlighting a massive US war game, "Operation Valiant Shield"-- is completely uncritical; we hear about the growing dangers of China (from Rumsfeld!), North Korea, and "terrorist" threats in the Philippines, Indonesia, and the Malacca Straits. The thrust of the story is that the US must project its military might as a counterweight to China and that the US military buildup and presence there makes us (and the world) safe. Significant is any lack of information on the cost of such a buildup, the effect it might have on human rights in places like the Philippines, or the possibility that it may actually increase the arms race in the area. Is it really impossible for NPR to find a scholar who questions the assumption that the US has the right to dominate every corner of the globe? Is it so hard to find someone who can counter the premises for militarism given by the Pentagon? Is NPR unable to find even one "expert" citizen from one of the countries of the Asia/Pacific area who might critique the military (dare one say imperial) ambitions of the US in this region--or even some US critics? In reality even the most cursory bit of research would have turned up some possibilities such as the signatories at the bottom of the Statement of the Asia-Pacific People's Forum on Sustainable Development (Nov. 25-26, 2001 in Phnom Penh) or some folks from the American Friends Service Committee.
Worse Than Worthless on AIPAC

A few last notes about this interview. Though this piece is presented as a rebuttal to the Walt/Mearsheimer interview yesterday (see post below), NPR fails to noted that though Walt/Mearsheimer are scholars with no connection to AIPAC or any pro-Palestinian lobby, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy that Ross is with has close ties to AIPAC! I also found it fascinating that though Ross is supposed to dismiss the idea that AIPAC has undue influence on US foreign policy regarding the Middle East he does say that "its weight is mostly felt on the congress" where it has "considerable influence," including the election of members and is a "significant force on the hill." He also makes a slip of the tongue that is quite telling: when asked if he ever met with AIPAC while working for Bush I and Clinton he says yes, but "with American groups as well" (critics of AIPAC have frequently requested that it be registered as an agent of a foreign government).
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Antisocial Personality Disorder
All Things Considered presented information on antisocial personality disorder in relation to the ex-soldier being charged with rape and murder committed while serving in Iraq. Here are the characteristics of such a person as given in the report:
- "is extraordinarily manipulative and willing to expoit others and has no sense of guilt"
- "to their advantage to be deceitful, and not conform to laws, and to exploit other people"
- "don’t seem to care about other people"
- "they don’t feel guilty about the kind of transgressions somebody would ordinarily feel guilty about"
- "they tend not to follow conventional societal rules"
- "most people with the condition are very good liars"
Mearsheimer and Walt
This morning NPR interviews professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt whose paper on the Israel Lobby created a firestorm of criticism. If you are interested in this issue you should definitely look at this critique by Michael Massing from the New York Review of Books which does an excellent job of surveying the reactions to the Mearsheimer/Walt piece and of critiquing the paper in a scholarly fashion (You may be surprised by Massing's conclusions!) This interview by NPR is pretty thin on substance which is why I recommend the Massing article.
A few further notes of interest in this interview. Inskeep says, "Gentlemen can we get to the underlying issue beneath all of this debate: is it in the US national interest to provide support to Israel?" (I thought Inskeep was going to say that the underlying issue is the charge of anti-Semitism cast on the authors--or, for that matter, anyone who criticizes Israeli expansionist/repressive policies.) Walt answers the given question by stating his belief that support for Israel's existence and defense is a crucial US interest and one that he and Mearsheimer support, but "...it's a separate question whether the United States should be providing unconditional backing for Israel and all of Israel's policies, most notably the continued occupation and control over the Palestinians and the refusal to negociate a long term peace settlement with the Palestinians." To this Inskeep cuts in to say, "I should mention, Steven Walt, just to note that Israeli spokesmen would dispute almost every phrase of what you just described..." and when Walt tries to respond Inskeep cuts him off by asking, "John Mearsheimer, what do you think?" This filling in as a hypothetical spokesperson for an antagonistic viewpoint is an interesting role for Inskeep to take, given that Israeli spokespeople frequently get unchallenged airtime on NPR. What do you think?
A few further notes of interest in this interview. Inskeep says, "Gentlemen can we get to the underlying issue beneath all of this debate: is it in the US national interest to provide support to Israel?" (I thought Inskeep was going to say that the underlying issue is the charge of anti-Semitism cast on the authors--or, for that matter, anyone who criticizes Israeli expansionist/repressive policies.) Walt answers the given question by stating his belief that support for Israel's existence and defense is a crucial US interest and one that he and Mearsheimer support, but "...it's a separate question whether the United States should be providing unconditional backing for Israel and all of Israel's policies, most notably the continued occupation and control over the Palestinians and the refusal to negociate a long term peace settlement with the Palestinians." To this Inskeep cuts in to say, "I should mention, Steven Walt, just to note that Israeli spokesmen would dispute almost every phrase of what you just described..." and when Walt tries to respond Inskeep cuts him off by asking, "John Mearsheimer, what do you think?" This filling in as a hypothetical spokesperson for an antagonistic viewpoint is an interesting role for Inskeep to take, given that Israeli spokespeople frequently get unchallenged airtime on NPR. What do you think?
The Italian Job

Today's piece highlights TWO significant problems with current NPR coverage of the "war on terror." First, Inskeep states that rendition is "the secret seizure and transfer of international terrorism suspects." That's it. Not one word about torture. Second, there is no discussion of how damaging the US kidnapping was to real security in this case. If you go back and listen to the Poggioli report above or her later one on June 30, 2005 you learn that valuable anti-terrorism intelligence was being gathered by the Italians from their surveillance of Abu Omar, and that the US kidnapping terminated this valuable source of information (a source which was leading to other cells in Europe). Given that he offered such rich information while being surveilled, any credible journalist would question why the US was so keen on kidnapping this man and sending him off to Egypt to be tortured, but to ask this might call into question other agendas behind the Bush/US "war on terror" and so the issue is not even raised.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Battles and Battlefields

Finally--after airing a clip of Bush describing the compassionate soldiers treating Zarqawi before he died--Greene states, "at a time when some Democrats are calling for a timetable to bring US troops home Mr. Bush repeated an argument that has infuriated his critics including some military families--he said one reason he's determined to stay the course in Iraq is to honor those who have already died on the battlefied." Notice how skillfully this acknowledges Bush critics, without giving any of their reasons, and then proceeds to undermine these critics by returning to the battle/battlefield argument. After all, if the war in Iraq really is an essential "battle" against terrorists (and can be "won" like any traditional battle) then who can argue against just leaving the "battlefield" where so many soldiers have already died?
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th
Enjoy the 4th of July. It was nice to wake up to Judy Muller's commentary this morning on NPR.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Oh, Osama!

Other interesting items are the really scary comments dropped about Pakistan and Musharaff by several counterterrorism "experts." Basically they all hint that his hold on power is precarious, that his government is rife with Bin Laden sympathizers, oh...yea...and that Pakistan has lots of nukes. The obvious questions that come to my mind are, What realistic non-proliferation policies is the US pursuing both for itself and the region? Are US actions in Iraq building sympathy for Bin Laden within Pakistan? What do polls suggest Pakistanis think of the US, of Musharaff, etc.? Unfortunately these never come up.
Readers should also take a look at these "old" but still quite relevant pieces: one from the New Yorker and the other from Knight Ridder(through Common Dreams).
Sunday, July 02, 2006
How Business Views Mexico
On the day of an important election we get analysis of the competing candidates from corporate risk management spokesperson, Pamela Starr of the Eurasia Group. We learn a few choice things during this interview. We hear that the US government is "fairly sure they're not going to get another Hugo Chavez." Debbie Elliot asks Starr, "there are some reports in the press that Obrador may be more open to relationships with Latin American leftist policies--is that something the United States should be worried about?" Interesting, just who is this United States? It's definitely not me--leftist policies in Latin America are fine by me. We also learn that US corporations are exporting some production processes to Mexico and that our economy depends on "using Mexico to keep its global costs of production low." I wonder how that impacts US worker wages and the standard of living for Mexicans? Are there any connections between this outsourcing and immigration issues? Starr also concludes that to export these "production processes" it "needs the Mexican economy to be sound." Sound for who? The wealthy Mexicans? The wealthy US CEOs? It's not that NPR shouldn't let us know what the corporate sector thinks--this is important since they do hold immense power and influence. But here are a few interesting sources for alternative views: the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and Human Rights Watch.
IDF News
How many more times will NPR and all the MSM sources echo the Israeli Defense Forces line that their actions against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are being done "in an effort to free an Israeli soldier." Again tonight they repeated that refrain without any evidence to support such a claim.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Hard Hearted

Schorr Misses the Point
Daniel Schorr talking with Scott Simon completely misses the point about the alleged rape and murder of Iraqis by US soldiers. First Schorr just brushes it aside as part of the typical brutality of war. Second he strongly praises the US military leadership for aggressively pursuing all allegations of atrocities. The record shows that the leadership only pursues these cases when there is evidence that can't be hushed up or has been made public (Not to mention that many of the miltary's standard operations in Iraq -- broad house invasion searches, detention of thousands of uncharged Iraqis, airstrikes, etc. -- could be called atrocities. However, the point that Schorr misses is that even if you think this event is isolated--it will be so offensive to Iraqis and Muslims that it will further enrage people who are already justifiably enraged at US hypocrisy and brutality in the "war on terror."
Simon Takes on Moore

Apparently Defensive
This morning Scott Simon mentions the US Army's investigation into at least 5 of its soldiers on charges of rape and murder in Iraq by saying that the soldiers are "apparently accused." It seems Simon is trying so hard to hold any allegations of US wrongdoing to the most rigorous standards of proof that he can't even say the fact that they are accused. I realize this was probably a slip and he meant to say that the accused men are alleged to have committed the crimes in question. This is typical of NPR's defensive coverage of US and ally crimes and wrongdoing, and stands in stark contrast to the unqualified reporting of so many "militants," "insurgents," "terrorists," or "Taliban" killed that occurs daily on NPR (the information almost always solely based on US military reports). I almost never hear them say "alleged" militants or "alleged" Taliban fighters. Of course, as the record often reveals (usually weeks or months later), these supposed combatants are often civilians mistakenly (or not mistakenly) targeted.
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