Parents might want to send the kids out of the room for this one. Noguchi is probably going to give us the dirt on Goldman Sachs with it's long tentacles into more governments than United Fruit Co. Or, perhaps like Nomi Prins in the Nation she's going to remind us of "the fact that Paulson presided over Goldman Sachs during a period when the firm increasingly transformed itself from a classic investment bank relying heavily on profit from stable fees into something resembling a hedge fund, in which record profits were based on trading bets made with borrowed funds." Probably she'll consult economist Joseph Stiglitz who will tell her that "Paulson and others in Wall Street are claiming that the bailout is necessary and that we are in deep trouble. Not long ago, they were telling us that we had turned a corner." Or maybe...
...she'll just produce some vacuous, uninformative, weirder the better NPR homage to Paulson, using lines like
- "Garten, a professor at Yale, is no slouch, but he says, Paulson keeps him on his toes."
- "...he [James Gorder] says Paulson appears to have lost none of the endurance and vigor that made him stand out within an office full of overachievers."
- "Garten says Paulson's actually better under fire."
- "...so with the economy on the line, for Henry Paulson, the game is very much on."
- "one of the most intense people I have ever met....so alert it makes you feel lazy."
- "....and he came on like a raging bull, and I tell you I couldn't- I simply win a point"
and, of course,
- "The hotter the fire the cooler he gets."